Ты оступился? Так не ставь в вину –
Колючек розе, роднику – песка.
Закроют тучи солнце и луну,
Червив бутон? Печаль не велика.
Сегодня грешен, завтра сердцем чист,
И, сравнивая эту чистоту,
Безжалостно строкой марая лист,
Уподобляюсь этому листу.
Нет разума, но есть избыток чувств,
Подобно адвокату на суде
Я сам себе в обидчики не тщусь,
С любовью размышляя о беде.
Я твой пособник и оставим спор,
Укравший мое сердце милый вор!
No more be grieved at that which thou hast done:
Roses have thorns, and silver fountains mud,
Clouds and eclipses stain both moon and sun,
And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud.
All men make faults, and even I in this,
Authorizing thy trespass with compare,
Myself corrupting salving thy amiss,
Excusing thy sins more than their sins are;
For to thy sensual fault I bring in sense -
Thy adverse party is thy advocate -
And \\\\\\\'gainst myself a lawful plea commence:
Such civil war is in my love and hate
That I an accessary needs must be
To that sweet thief which sourly robs from me.
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Насіння (The seed) - Калінін Микола Це переклад з Роберта У. Сервіса (Robert W. Service)
I was a seed that fell
In silver dew;
And nobody could tell,
For no one knew;
No one could tell my fate,
As I grew tall;
None visioned me with hate,
No, none at all.
A sapling I became,
Blest by the sun;
No rumour of my shame
Had any one.
Oh I was proud indeed,
And sang with glee,
When from a tiny seed
I grew a tree.
I was so stout and strong
Though still so young,
When sudden came a throng
With angry tongue;
They cleft me to the core
With savage blows,
And from their ranks a roar
Of rage arose.
I was so proud a seed
A tree to grow;
Surely there was no need
To lay me low.
Why did I end so ill,
The midst of three
Black crosses on a hill
Called Calvary?